Long-range and short-range hormonal communication between neurons is established through chemical intermediaries

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Long-range and short-range hormonal communication between neurons is established through chemical intermediaries

The amoeba, a unicellular organism, Is capable of performing all the functions necessary to maintain life. The cell assimilates nutrients from the environment, Moves and carries out metabolic reactions to acquire energy and synthesize new molecules. In multicellular organisms the situation is much more complex. In situations of fear or stress, a surge of adrenaline prepares the body for an immediate physical response of maximum intensity. To Sale Lead all these diverse functions, There must be mechanisms by which individual cells or groups of cells can communicate with each other. In most higher organisms there are two fundamental methods of intercellular Hormonal Communication Between communication. A system based on hormones and another based on neurons or nerve cells. In both systems, cells “talk” to each other through chemical messengers.

Compartment organization of the Golgi apparatus

Although the cell constitutes the fundamental structural unit of any organism, It is by no means an indivisible element. Rather, It consists of up to a dozen compartments, Or organelles, Specialized in the performance of various functions. For example, The nucleus carries genetic information; The secretion granules store substances that the cell will have to discharge into the environment; The outer membrane, or plasma membrane, Hormonal Communication Between Determines what enters and Hormonal Communication Between leaves the cell. The hormone invades the bloodstream to reach concentrations 300 times higher than normal and acts on cell receptors in various organs, The organization in compartments is of the greatest importance for the proper functioning of the cell. Thousands of enzymes would be randomly mixed, To avoid random mixing of biochemical activities, Thousands of proteins must be modified.

This cellular organelle modifies the proteins

Classified and sent with great precision to the correct compartment immediately after their synthesis. During the last two decades it has been established that the director of most of this traffic of macromolecules. The Golgi apparatus. Present in all eukaryotic cells (those with a differentiated nucleus), The Golgi apparatus is made up of tiny sacs wrapped by a membrane, Flattened and stacked like plates. At one end of the set enter the newly BUILDING MATERIALS, HARDWARE, GARDEN SUPPLY, AND MOBILE HOME DEALERS business email list manufactured proteins, Mostly attached to long chains of sugar molecules, Constituting the so-called glycoproteins. As they pass through the stack, They are chemically modified, According The fundamental difference between the two systems is the level of relationship established, Depending on whether it is more or less direct. A neuron sends discontinuous messages to a specific group of target cells: muscle cells, Glandular cells

Long-range and short-range hormonal communication between neurons is established through chemical intermediaries

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