What is a Buyer Persona and how to create it step by step [Examples]

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What is a Buyer Persona and how to create it step by step [Examples]

What is a buyer persona?

Creating a buyer persona should be the basis of any marketing strategy you do. They answer what are you wanting to ask me. What is a buyer persona? Whether you want to do a Social Media Plan or plan to invest in advertising, Knowing what people’s pain points are and what their objectives are is essential. Stay with me because in this post I am going to teach you how to make a buyer persona. Step by step so that your marketing messages are effective. But first of all we are going to see what differences there are between buyer persona, Target audience and target in marketing.

How to create a buyer persona in marketing step by step

How old are you? Do you study or work? What do you study? Where do you work? Where do you live? This was the series of questions that we used to ask ourselves to define the target. The problem is that nowadays knowing only those data is no longer enough. This is where this concept comes into play. Because, what is the use of creating content if it is not aimed at your target audience? What’s the use of making ads with a general message that doesn’t Website Design Service Email List connect with your audience? That’s why before you carry out any marketing action. I repeat. First of all, you should ask yourself at least these questions: Do you have a well-defined target audience to target He has children? Which age?

How to define a buyer persona step by step

If your company has a sales department, it is essential that you train them to understand the motivations and desires of your customers. One of the best tools to get this information is online surveys or interview your clients directly and ask them about their problems and motivations. To make it clearer, look at this example Imagine a company that is dedicated to designing inbound marketing strategies. This company will be aimed at people or companies whose pain is that they do not know how to capture leads efficiently and treat them later until they become customers. After defining the pain of the buyer person, the company must know what type of searches its target audience performs to find information about their problems or motivations One way to know the words by which you are found in Google is to go to Search Console and select:

What is a Buyer Persona and how to create it step by step [Examples]

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