80% of consumers are more receptive to ads placed alongside positive content

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80% of consumers are more receptive to ads placed alongside positive content

Integral Ad Science has just published the results of a new study The Power of Context that analyzes the impact of context on the perception that consumers have of ads in the digital environment, depending on the tone of the content with which they appear. In addition, it recommends that advertisers insert their ads alongside content with a positive tone, since it benefits the perception that consumers have not only of the Paraguay Mobile Database ads but of the brand image of the advertisers. The study begins by pointing out that the content users consume can generate positive, negative or neutral feelings. And that said content also influences the perception that consumers have of the ads according to where they appear, as well as the brand associated with them. In general, it is pointed out that in the majority of consumers (72%) the feeling that the content they are reading provokes in them influences the perception of the brand that is advertised alongside them. And that in the case of those that are positive they generate a greater favorable perception. Paraguay Mobile Database

In addition, it has been observed that 80% of consumers are more receptive to ads that are inserted on pages with content whose tone is positive or neutral. As well as that 93% are favorable to those brands whose advertising appears next to this type of content, and that the recall rate increases by 24%. On the contrary, those ads that are inserted next to content with a negative tone, cause a detrimental impact on all indicators and there is a decrease in the preference for the brand (-39%) and a lower receptivity to that advertising (-30 %). At the same time, it is observed that there are differences between some Brother Cell Phone List sectors and others. In retail, for example, the perception of advertising is highly influenced by the tone of the content with which the impressions appear. Thus, if this is positive, the preference of consumers towards these brands is multiplied by five (+ 441%). In addition, consumers are four times more receptive (+ 364%), to an ad from a retail company when it is placed next to content with a positive or neutral tone instead of negative. Along with this, 60% of consumers remember these ads better compared to those that appear next to content with a negative tone (+ 41%).

Regarding the incidence of the coronavirus, it is pointed out that the content on the pandemic is growing notably according to the circumstances of each country. However, the study highlights that ads that are inserted alongside content related to COVID-19 can be beneficial for brands. In France, for example, according to recent work on the impact on brands of content about the coronavirus next to which ads are inserted, 35% of consumers were more favorable to these ads when the information about the pandemic was positive. On the other hand, it is observed that there is a better perception by consumers when information about the pandemic is published in premium information sources. Thus, 41% of them are more receptive to ads placed within content related to the coronavirus when it is published on a premium and prestigious support.

Context itself is also noted as an important parameter for consumers. In this way, 74% of them prefer to see ads that are relevant in relation to the content they are reading. Additionally, 56% of consumers have a more favorable opinion of brands that show their ads alongside relevant content. At the same time, the study points out that the ideal advertising environment depends on the characteristics of each brand. And that the adaptation of the context to each advertiser goes beyond adjusting to a series of keywords. Finally, it is highlighted that choosing the relevant context with content that has a positive or neutral tone is something that favors brands since it will have a positive impact on consumers, either due to the receptivity of the ad, the predisposition towards it or your memory.

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