Creative | Spark, the tool that will measure your campaigns before publishing them

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Creative | Spark, the tool that will measure your campaigns before publishing them

psos today presented its new initiative, which it has dubbed poland phone number directory Creative | Spark. This new tool will allow advertisers to evaluate their campaigns before and after launching them to guarantee good results. We are in an uncertain environment for advertising. The coronavirus has reduced investment in this poland phone number directory sector, although there are those who think that it is the most opportune time to promote themselves. A contradictory fact that companies like Ipsos are trying to solve . The market and opinion research company today presented its proposal for this risky context and has been there to unravel all the poland phone number directory details of this powerful tool.

To begin with, it should be noted that creative poland phone number directory concepts and ideas in any type of campaign need to be verified to make sure you are going the right way . Regardless of the format or channel, being able to test a communication action before it is broadcast is today poland phone number directory a practically impossible mission. But what if you could correct potential weaknesses and extract the potential of creativity even before it is broadcast? The answer is Ipsos with its new Creative | poland phone number directory Spark tool.


The company has placed itself in the context of the poland phone number directory change in the communication sector. Under this framework, Creative | Spark will become the new global service for creative evaluation of video campaigns that represents an sale leads evolution of its ASI: Connect tool . poland phone number directory The objective of innovation is to adapt to the current complex context and provide both agility, flexibility, robustness and poland phone number directory speed, as well as a global vision of responses.

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