Major League Baseball games, Facebook’s next target

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Major League Baseball games, Facebook’s next target

For a few weeks we have talked about how social networks have become a channel of great value for transmitting content, particularly for sports. Facebook is one of the platforms that has turned its attention to the main sports leagues to expand its brand and become an option for them Poland Mobile Number Database to broadcast games, in a comprehensive way, similar to how it is done through a television signal. It already has alliances with Univisión and Liga MX to broadcast matches of the highest category of Mexican soccer in the United States, also with LaLiga , from Spain for the games that are played every Friday , and there are already cases in the Premier League.

He is now in advanced talks with MLB (Major League Baseball) to reach a similar agreement, according to a Reuters report . The deal would be to broadcast one game a week for next season, an important step toward entering the major leagues in the United States. The MLB is the second highest-value league in the world , a business that generates revenues of 9.5 billion dollars, only behind the NFL that generates 13 billion, according to a ranking prepared by the site . It should be noted that neither Facebook nor MLB have Phone Number List confirmed or rejected the existence of such a negotiation, however, if confirmed, for the social network it would be of great importance since it would be in a position to compete with other social networks that have similar agreements such as Twitter that has a strong presence in sports with alliances with leagues of great projection such as the NFL, NBA , and sports of a very defined niche such as golf with the PGA Tour and the ATP. Meanwhile, YouTube has looked to entertainment, with the Coachella Festival and with Youtubers. Even more important, in the social network the MLB franchises have millions of followers, an example of this is that the New York Yankees have about 9 million fans, followed by the Boston Red Sox, with 5.23 million, according to Statista data.

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