Are Facebook, Google and WhatsApp really free?

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Are Facebook, Google and WhatsApp really free?

Regardless of age or socio-economic level, almost all of us have used or frequently use a free internet-based service, be it a map service, instant messaging, email or social networks. In general, an internet user has at least 3 free services, email being the first one, since they need it to be Estonia Phone Number List able to open profiles elsewhere. There is no doubt that free services are useful, hardly anyone today takes a printed map, being able to use Google Maps or Waze to reach their destination, or to make a call, if we can use WhatsApp to send messages with emojis. If we had to pay for each service that we use today for free, surely we would not use even half of them, and we would have to choose which one we really need, since for some they would be unpayable. This brings us to the question why are Facebook and Google free? Remember that Facebook apart from its social network, it also owns Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, among others. For its part, Google has YouTube, Maps, Android and Waze, along with many more.

We do not pay these companies with money, we pay them with our identity, from the basics such as our name, age, gender and location, to our sexual preferences, daily activities, consumption habits and preferred brands. Every time we do a search on Google, upload a photo to Facebook, watch a video on YouTube or write an email in Gmail, these companies save all the information to build a complete profile of us. Facebook and Google DO NOT sell our information, but they do do a great business with it. These companies live from advertising and thanks to everything they know about us, they manage to deliver a detailed profile to advertisers to segment very effectively, much better than in any other medium.

Thanks to all the information they keep about their users, they can segment campaigns with a degree of detail that seems like science fiction. For example, today on Facebook you can launch a campaign like this: Some when they find out about the above, immediately think about closing their profiles, which may not actually fix the problem, since in that case we Phone Number List would have to ask ourselves, What is the problem? What bothers us is that they have our information or that we do not have control of it? Closing the profiles in free services is only one part, but it does not fix things completely, since for example Internet browsers save information as well. Smartphones also collect information through installed APPs, etc. Instead of thinking about closing services, it seems more practical to take care of the type of information that we upload on social networks, considering that all of them are nourished by what we do and publish. As long as we are aware of what we do on these platforms and are aware of their privacy policies, we can be reassured of the type of information they have about us.

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