Aspects and keys to consider before selling with discount coupons

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Aspects and keys to consider before selling with discount coupons

Discount coupons are not bad in and of themselves. They are a very powerful tool capable of the best and the worst according to the criteria of the business that decides to bet on them. Making a comparison, this is as if to an 18-year-old boy who has just approved the driving license we give him a sports car that reaches 300 kilometers per hour? Unfortunately there are many options that it will not turn out well. It will  Chile Mobile Database not be the car’s fault, but rather that the user was not the most suitable for a vehicle of that type. The same goes for discount coupons, if you do not know what you are doing it can become a delicate matter. I think there are at least five criteria that the manager of a business should think about before betting on the discount coupon. Do I really need to use the discount coupon? Lately I have come across businesses that promote themselves with coupons because the supplier’s salesperson has convinced them of this, with expectations of large numbers of new customers, without having asked themselves if they really wanted to participate in a campaign of this type, if they needed more customers and if they were sure of the consequences of selling with coupons. All decisions are made by the business, not the coupon company. If they do not accept this fact, it is better not to do anything with them. Chile Mobile Database

How is my business positioned and how can the image of the discount coupon affect it? There are discount coupons for everything, surprising as it may seem: interventions to eliminate myopia with laser, cosmetic surgery operations, dentists and other medical services? Is the discount coupon a good combination with this type of business? Here Brother Cell Phone List everyone will have their personal opinion, mine is that I do not think that a service of this type offers much reliability that can be exchanged with a coupon. We are talking about services that affect people’s health and that are supported by doctors and professionals who precisely have to transmit that professionalism, and I do not know if a coupon is the best way to communicate those values. Selling coupons sure they sell, but how many people who receive the email with the offer will not think that this clinic is of a dubious reputation for promoting itself on the same site as haircuts, SPA sessions or teleshopping products are offered? And that affects positioning, and will surely have consequences in the medium and long term. It is not about selling with coupons when the commercial comes to offer their services, whatever their argument it is not possible for the coupon company to choose the date of the campaign. It is our company that has to choose when we want to carry out the promotion, based on our own criteria, not those of the coupon company.

A reasonable criterion would be to launch the promotion and that the coupons are only valid at the lowest-selling time of the year, that time when there is a significant drop in activity. Coupons can be used to generate business at that time, increase the productivity of our business and have more time to try to fascinate and retain each new customer who walks through the door with their coupon. With the same idea as in the previous point, let’s not allow the coupon company to decide. We are the ones who know the business and we know what interests us at all times. A good idea will be to offer products with less turnover or those that we want to be discovered because they are not usually requested by our regular customers.

For the sale of services, it will be a good criterion to bet on those in which we have an overstock of consumables that may expire or services that, despite being very good, usually sell little and we want to prove what interest they arouse with the advantageous price of the coupon. We can also choose products or services that have a lot of margin so that the cost of the coupon penalizes us less. Am I quantifying the economic cost of selling with discount coupons? As a general rule, the coupon provider suggests a 50% discount on the usual price to make the promotion attractive to the customer. And it must also be considered that of the amount that the client finally pays another 50% is for the coupon company. For example, if we have a restaurant and we want to offer a tasting menu, we find that of the usual 30 euros we will finally receive 7.50 euros several weeks after the end of the promotion, or what is the same, for each client that attend with the same dedication and quality of service that we will always enter 22.50? less than usual. They are figures to stop and think about. With these calculations and taking into account that the return on the investment will be in the medium and long term, how many coupons can I afford to sell? Does it mean selling at a loss? Do I prefer to spend that money on another type of action? Of course, it is a tool for the medium and long term

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