Due to a complaint on Twitter, Toyota, Nissan and BBVA withdrew their advertisements

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Due to a complaint on Twitter, Toyota, Nissan and BBVA withdrew their advertisements

International.- The article entitled “Why are feminists uglier than normal women?” it generated much more than controversy in Spain. A user on Twitter denounced the medium and asked the brands to remove their advertising. He did it. The portal responds with legal action. An article published by the online medium “ Mediterráneo Digital ” has generated a real stir in the Spanish “e-journalistic” world. To what extent are the media Luxembourg Phone Number List responsible for the content of the articles they publish? Is anything good to get visits? Is a complaint from a Twitter account enough for Toyota and Nissan (among others) to decide on an advertising investment? Who decides what is sarcasm and what is offense? These are some questions that many are asking at this time in relation to the publication of the article “Why are feminists uglier than normal women?”

It all started on January 24, when the note signed by Pablo Escobar was published on the news portal “Mediterráneo Digital (Politically Incorrect)”. Hours later, the tweeter @Cristina_H_ publicly criticized the article and asked the brands (through the social network) to withdraw their advertising. “There is a type of press that thinks they can make fun of this kind of thing to get clicks; As women are half the population and the market, I decided to appeal to the social responsibility of the brands that support these media, ” Hernández told El País . Some of the brands, such as Toyota, Nissan, Real Estate Anida Vivienda of the BBVA Group and an insurance company (Línea Directa), did so. They even posted it on Twitter as well.

Toyota, one of the companies that have confirmed the withdrawal of their ads, explained to El País that their advertising was a generic banner that reached Mediterráneo Digital through what is known as rettargeting. “It is direct programming that cannot be controlled at all,” they told the Spanish media. “Once unwanted content is detected, you can add the page’s URL manually to your filter. This way, Toyota’s automatic ads will Phone Number List no longer appear on it, ”they added. The latest news is the publication of an editorial in the Spanish media that explains what happened, apologizes to those who have been offended by the note and, in harsh terms, warns that it will initiate legal action against the tweeter (“criminally and legally immediate ”, says the text) and“ against all those people and media that through public speakers or editorial content pour accusations of an injurious, slanderous, humiliating and notoriously false nature ”.

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