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Es oficial: 2 de cada 3 Reyes Magos compran ya los regalos por internet

How the Wise Men from the East manage to have their gifts iran mobile phone tracker on time seems still a mystery to be solved. That is why the comparator wanted to find out on these special dates. And his surprise has iran mobile phone tracker been great. Yes, because according to their data, up to 2 out of 3 Wise Men prefer to buy them online instead of in the physical store. The emblematic characters, like the rest of mortals, prefer to avoid the tedious queues in the shopping centers, reduce the risk of contagion and compare prices online before iran mobile phone tracker going shopping.

Specifically, the entity’s survey (carried out iran mobile phone tracker with a sample of more than a thousand participants) shows that 62% of users opt for online commerce, although there are still those who go to the traditional establishment . What Acierto has done is to equate this behavior iran mobile phone tracker to the Kings, so that one of them would act in the same way. Most likely it would be Melchor, the oldest of the three, since according to the study, young people are the ones who buy the most through the network and the elderly, the iran mobile phone tracker least.


However, the Acierto survey reveals that 93% of iran mobile phone tracker consumers compare the prices of gifts online before going to the physical store . What happens next? That 2 out of 3 end up buying online. 7% complete the process by phone and the sale leads remaining 6% directly discard the iran mobile phone tracker product or change their mind. That is to say: Gaspar and Baltasar would buy the incense and myrrh on the Internet (and also the rest of the gifts), and Melchior would prefer to go to the store to get his gold. All of them, yes, they would compare iran mobile phone tracker before.

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