Google searches will also show content from TikTok and Instagram

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Google searches will also show content from TikTok and Instagram

Google is the number one search engine in the world . Since its italian telephone numbers inception, it has been optimizing its settings, its filters and its algorithms to improve the user experience in an increasingly complex digital scenario: italian telephone numbers shopping results, images, news, specialized web portals, shops and locations … And now, TikTok and Instagram posts. The technology giant is working on a new option that will allow its search engine to show short videos in the results feed. Until now, the videos that appear on users’ screens are primarily from italian telephone numbers YouTube , a subsidiary of the company.

However, the enormous boom that short videos italian telephone numbers have been experiencing for some time now has made managers consider the potential and usefulness of facilitating the accessibility of users to the contents of TikTok and Instagram , the two leading social networks the panorama. This new section would be framed within the «general» section of the category carousel, in an area italian telephone numbers dedicated to short videos . According to statements by a Google spokesperson, the function is still in testing on mobile devices, both Android and iOS, so only selected searches and in certain parts of the world may show this type italian telephone numbers of content.


The operation would be similar to that of the other italian telephone numbers Google feats, redirecting the user to the official website where the video is hosted to play it automatically; in this case, the web versions of TikTok and Instagram. Without a doubt, the short sale leads video fever is changing the italian telephone numbers landscape of all kinds of applications and interfaces. Facebook has already gotten off to a running start incorporating Instagram Reels and perfecting the other applications in its range; and Google is not far behind: since September YouTube has italian telephone numbers been working with its own version of videos of up to 15 seconds.

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