How to do an Audit in Social Networks step by step [Examples + Template]

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What is a social media audit?

Before we get down to business. I would like to explain to you what a social media audit is and what it is for. A social media audit is a strategic process that consists of collecting.  Both internal (of your project) and external (of your sector and competition) information in order. Determine what competitive situation we are in. In fact, it is one of the things that a community manager does when he has to manage a new account. In addition, the audit is what will later allow us to make the SWOT matrix in conditions, to later create our strategy in social networks. What is a social media audit for? If I have not yet convinced you of the importance of performing this step, let me tell you the main advantages of doing a social media audit :

Analysis of the objectives achieved

In addition, if you click, you can see in detail each of the social networks. You should also analyze how the social media strategy is working at the web traffic level of your competition. For that you can use different tools to know the visits of a web page. But the one that I recommend is Serums or Similar web (free) case of you only have enter. The domain you want to analyze and in the Traffic Analysis section select Sources. Social media competition analysis In Auctioneers business email list this way we will know how much traffic. Your competition is getting from social networks. This can give us an idea if we compare it with the rest of the companies in the competitive situation. Another fundamental point of the social media audit is to know if social channels are helping us to achieve our marketing objectives or not.

Dedicate more efforts to those social networks that convert more

Another objective of the audit is to analyze which social networks are converting us the best. After all, if we are analyzing our strategy, we have to identify which channels are helping us to achieve our objectives. So use Analytics, measure conversions and focus your resources where you get the best ROI. The best way to be more competitive in your sector is by doing it better than your competition. So I recommend that you spend the time necessary to analyze and measure all the practices that your competition is carrying out. I would even tell you to analyze the practices of different. Template to do a social media audit I would like you to tell me what you think of the article and leave me a comment And if you want to download the template to do an audit on social networks,

How to do an Audit in Social Networks step by step [Examples + Template]