How to increase web traffic to your page or blog with 13 techniques that work

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How to increase web traffic to your page or blog with 13 techniques that work

Do you have a blog but you start to get demotivated because you don’t get all the visits you would like? Do you spend the day looking at Google Analytics to see if your web traffic has increased? I have been in the same situation, in which I saw my Google Analytics with 20 visits a day (in good cases) and I felt very unmotivated. But there came a day that I said, this cannot continue like this, it is time to change the strategy (before it did not have). And thanks to this change I have managed to multiply and increase the web traffic of my blog . In addition, as you already know, getting visits to the blog is essential if you want to increase the list of subscribers and be able to monetize your blog later.

Increase your web traffic and get quality links

The skyscraper technique is not a new technique for the blogging industry. A technique that was already widely used in its time, but that I had not put into practice yet and I wanted to give it my personal touch. The best thing about this technique is that, in addition to attracting more visits, you will be able to increase your list of subscribers and possibly quality links . International Trade Services business email list Before explaining what this technique consists of, I want you to see how I got more backlinks after using it (and consequently, more web traffic) how to get quality links In addition, I would also like to show you how I managed to increase the web traffic for that article by keep reading, Because I am going to tell you about each of these techniques step by step, Without keeping any secrets.

How to know the links or backlinks of a web page?

Ok, we have already found the articles of the competition that receive the most web visits and which are those pages that have the most links. Now we are going to find those content from the competition that have worked best for them on social networks. For this we can use . Here we have two options. We can write the domain of the website that we want to Sale Lead analyze and the tool will give us the most shared articles on social networks. We can write a term and the tool will give us the most viral articles for that keyword. Most shared articles on social networks For this we can also use . If we enter the domain in the tool and select Pages and Best by Shares.

How to increase web traffic to your page or blog with 13 techniques that work

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