Origin of the eukaryotic cell Protomytochondrial metabolism

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Origin of the eukaryotic cell Protomytochondrial metabolism

Mitochondria are organelles that are found in variable numbers inside cells. Although its main function is to produce energy, Other metabolic pathways are also developed within it. Most of the proteins that perform these functions are encoded on the chromosomes of the nucleus, Synthesized in the cytoplasm, And then transported through a complex system into the mitochondria. But there are proteins, Not many, That are synthesized within the mitochondria, Encoded on a tiny mitochondrial Eukaryotic Metabolism chromosome. This minimal genome provides the strongest evidence, That these organelles were originally independent organisms. The idea that mitochondria are derived from ancient bacteria was suggested by Lynn . According to his theory, Mitochondria and other organelles originated from bacteria that established a symbiosis. Within a primitive eukaryotic cell. Throughout millions of years of evolution,

Excitotoxicity and death of neurons

The study of the molecular mechanisms of this injury and of the physiological processes involved in , Should allow the treatment of insults. Ortega GutiĆ©rrez MIND AND BRAIN IN SUMMARY. The concept describes the death of neurons due to an overstimulation. Of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Neurodegenerative disorders and epilepsies, among others; it also contributes, at a minimum, to the dramatic neuronal death that occurs frequently in these pathologies. Many pharmacological treatments Resorts business email list are based on the use of glutamate antagonists, as well as on the activation of the body’s primitive was transforming into the organelle that we know today. In this process, The genes that were superfluous in the new environment were lost and most of the remainder were transferred to the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell.

Excitotoxicity and death of neurons

The term designates the death of neurons produced by the of the receptors of a neurotransmitter, glutamate. This is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. The neurons that host it are called . When a neuron is stimulated, The synaptic release of glutamate activates the postsynaptic neuron; thus proceeds the transmission of neuronal excitability and that of the Sale Lead nerve impulse. But if, for some reason, the strict regulation mechanisms to which it is subjected fail, It becomes a pathological process, capable of unleashing a hecatomb between neurons. Glutamate, Once released at the synapse, travels through the synaptic space and reaches the postsynaptic neuron, Where it binds to its corresponding receptors. The binding of glutamate to its receptors causes their activation.

Origin of the eukaryotic cell Protomytochondrial metabolism

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