Promoting Diversity and the Next Generation of Creative Empowerment

AI Tools:
It might not surprise you to learn that at Zen Mia, we believe foster an environment of diversity is genuinely the right th to do (also, liv and work in a hall of mirrors sounds terrify). But on top of that, there’s a business case. McKinsey has report a 39% increas Promoting Diversity likelihood of overperformance for businesses l by diverse executive teams—a figure that has been consistent over time. The same report reveal that companies with women in leadership exce 30% are significantly more likely to financially outperform those with fewer, and McKinsey has report more engagement, innovation, and revenue earn from diverse teams.

So, why do businesses with diverse leadership

and team members do so much better than their homogenous counterparts?

When we all view ths through the same lens, we suffer from the same blind spots. When we come from similar backgrounds, we tend to see ths the same way. That means you have teams of people approach problems from the same angle and steer toward the same solutions.

Diverse teams benefit from coworkers who

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can see ths the person sitt right next to them can’t. They can make connections their neighbor couldn’t think of. They truly have each other’s backs—because they have enough viewpoints to see in 360 degrees. This is a wealth of knowlge and experience potential employers look to 2025 and beyond should not overlook. But with a professional world full of hir biases, what are organizations to do?

AI in Hir
The job market has always been plagu by biases and limitations that have prevent talent individuals from diverse backgrounds from secur positions they’re qualifi for. For example, research publish this year shows white job applicants still receive up to 24% more callbacks than Black applicants, and 15% of applicants believe their accent prevents employers from choos to move forward with them.

This is where AI comes into play. In fact

68% of recruiters believe us AI in the recruitment process will remove unintentional bias—provid safeguards are put into place to ensure AI doesn’t learn, reproduce, or exaggerate said bias. AI can help companies identify and recruit talent from a wider pool of candidates, ruc the reliance on traditional hir methods that often perpetuate biases. By analyz job descriptions and candidate profiles, AI can match individuals with opportunities bas on their skills and potential rather than subjective criteria.

And for those who live with a disability or who didn’t have access to the type of ucation that may have taught them how to write a cover letter or perfectly format a resume—to be clear, these individuals are otherwise qualifi but face a barrier to entry they wouldn’t likely have to deal with once on the job—AI-power tools like LLMs are already facilitat access to job opportunities by assist with resume optimization and cover letter-writ.

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We didn’t all learn the same ths, and we didn’t all learn ths we use

One of the most excit ths about AI is how accessible it is. Though it takes time to perfect, it’s very easy to get start. Many tools are free or available at a low cost, enabl people from all walks of life to compete in ways that were not possible before. Similar to the way Amazon’s self-publish platform transform the publish industry, AI has the power to level the play field for job-seekers. And by provid guidance on how to effectively showcase their skills and experiences, AI empowers individuals who may have previously been overlook due to factors such as socioeconomic background, ucation, or lack of professional networks.

AI as a General-Purpose Technology

In a recent report through Google, The Economic Impact of AI, author Andrew McAfee makes the case for AI as a general-purpose technology, outlin three significant characteristics all general-purpose technology must possess in order to qualify:

Rapid improvement
Complementary innovation
The steam engine, for example, boast all three. As McAfee goes on to explain, there’s already compell evidence that generative AI features them, too.

A 2023 study examin all tasks complet by American workers to see which could be done at least two times faster with no loss in quality from apply generative AI tools. It found that almost 80% of the jobs in the US economy could see at least 10% of their tasks done twice as quickly (again, with no loss in quality) through the use of generative AI. When the threshold was increas, half the tasks complet by 20% of all workers qualifi.

In short, AI qualifies as a general-purpose technology

AI is only a few years old, and it’s already be us to improve tasks and streamline processes across the board by people of all generations and skill sets. At the same time, its capabilities are expand at a rapid rate. Among the most excit outcomes of this new, general-purpose technology is that those who adopt early and innovate will completely reimagine and transform processes and organizations.

Embrac AI-Power Change and Opportunity

A phrase our CEO, Shama Hyder, sometimes shares comes to mind: When you focus on the merely measurable, you miss the meanful. What’s happen usp-what-it-is-and-how-it-helps-when-getting-your-ad-up-and-running with AI is measurable in some cases, but it is far more meanful and chang our world in unquantifiable ways.

Imagine a world where anyone can produce Hollywood-level special effects, compose symphonies, or design games. Consider a future with fresh digital market ideas develop from a work culture where human-centric skills like critical think take the spotlight because AI is handl the mundane, repetitive tasks that previously stole everyone’s focus. Tools power by AI are becom more sophisticat yet easier to use, allow people without formal train to create high-quality content and share brand new ideas.

Of course, this transformation is not without

its challenges. There are valid concerns about AI’s ethical implications, includ machine learn bias and the potential for job displacement. This technology feels like it hit the scene so fast we can hardly keep up with it, mak it all the more crucial that alb directory we proactively address these challenges by implement robust ethical guidelines and ensur that AI technologies are develop and deploy responsibly.

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