Promotions at the point of sale: 15 keys to the relationship between Manager and Promoter

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Promotions at the point of sale: 15 keys to the relationship between Manager and Promoter

Brands often decide to do special actions with a sales promoter in the store, to carry out demonstrations, tastings or technical explanations and get customers and sales on the shelf. Normally these actions are carried out in hypermarkets or in medium and large specialized stores that have a sales volume that guarantees the profitability of the action and the success in sales, and after this promotional action there is Colombia Mobile Database sometimes a minimum purchase commitment by of the store to encourage the brand to assume the cost of the promotion, although many times our commitment to bet on the promotion and support it at the point of sale tends to outweigh it. They are also very seasonal actions, depending on the nature of the product they can occur throughout the year, as in the case of food, although it is usually at Christmas when there is more traffic of promotional actions of this type, especially in non-food products . Receive it and welcome it as another employee of your store , introduce it to your colleagues and your warm welcome will facilitate its integration into your store Clarifies the first day what the store’s operating rules are , what can and cannot be done (rules of the game) and reviews the emergency plan, security controls and other internal regulations. Colombia Mobile Database

As there are not always customers, sometimes they are very bored at the information point and they will appreciate having more work to spend their time better. Take advantage of this circumstance and encourage them to attend and sell other products and brands near your stand , giving priority to their own but serving customers. That they are active. Encourage him to be participatory with clients , especially in food tastings, since the client will not taste the product if the promoter does not offer it, it is important that the shyness stay at home! If you notice that his behavior is not what you would allow another employee of your team and that the bad image he offers can be counterproductive, do not hesitate to ask for his immediate replacement or even the cancellation of the promotion if there is no possibility of change. A promoter Brother Cell Phone List is there to help the sale, not to “scare” customers! That he has more stock of his product nearby so that he can replenish his stand / header / linear . Here it will be important to coordinate with the warehouse staff so that they take the stock at least to the surroundings and that you do not have to stray too far from your sales area. Make it easy for him to sell, that he has the consumables he may need . If you are doing the famous coffee tastings, do not lack water, milk or sugar so that you do not stop tasting and facilitate the sale!

If you demonstrate an electronic product that uses batteries, always have spare batteries so as not to lose the opportunity to show the product to potential buyers! Encourage your sales figure by informing you of the number of units sold of your product each day that you are present . You will like to know that your work is paying off and you will try to improve yourself. You want to do a good job so that when your company asks us about your results, we recommend your services. If you are going to be in the store for a long time (there may be promotions of just a weekend or a whole year), be interested in its contractual situation, if it is charging as expected , if it has problems of any kind … important because sometimes they charge late and badly, and that can affect their performance. Offer to lend a hand and speak with the brand it represents, not with the promotion agency that is hired by the brand; manufacturer brands do not like these situations and are usually quick to

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