What is the salary of a Digital Trafficker? [Tips for Charging]

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What is the salary of a Digital Trafficker? [Tips for Charging]

What is the salary of a Digital Trafficker? It is one of the questions that I have received the most in recent days. That is why in this article I want to give you an answer from two perspectives : How much to charge as a Trafficker for offering services. How much you should pay this professional based on your business. This profession is and one of the reasons is because it is usually paid “well.” But this is always relative, of course. It will depend on several factors that I am going to tell you about below. You may also like: How to advertise on Facebook step by step How to Create Effective Ads What is the Facebook Pixel and what is it for? What are you going to learn in this article: How much does a Digital Trafficker earn? What is the salary of a Digital Trafficker?

How much does a Digital Trafficker earn?

Only to the copy of the ads. You could also do an audit of the ad accounts and give you a report of the results. This is where consulting comes in. ➡️ 2. Consulting After all, consulting is based on analyzing the strategies and results that are being obtained to propose improvements. These improvements can range from a new strategy, to changes in segmentations, ads, copies, etc. How much to charge as Trafficker Digital for consultancies? Bed & Breakfast Accommodations business email list To give you an idea, I have seen people who charge from € 50 / hour, another € 150-200 / hour. Obviously it will depend on the level of knowledge you have and your experience. Of course, if you want to offer consultancies, I recommend having a sales funnel because if you don’t have a powerful brand, it is difficult for them to hire you first.

What is the salary of a Digital Trafficker?

In the case you have to know how to adapt to each client and what their needs are. conclusion Something you have to keep in mind is that the salary of the Digital Trafficker depends on the level of experience . The knowledge that a person who has just finished a training may have is not the same as someone who has been managing campaigns for years. I also recommend that even if you have standard prices, you analyze each client individually . Even two companies in the same sector can vary the amount you charge them because the starting situation may be totally different. Nor is it the same that you dedicate yourself solely to buying traffic, that you also have to design the entire sales strategy. Depending on the client, you will have to charge one amount or another.

What is the salary of a Digital Trafficker? [Tips for Charging]

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