Why do they accuse Google and Facebook of ad fraud?

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Why do they accuse Google and Facebook of ad fraud?

The new advertising formats of Google and Facebook on their platforms, search engines and live video broadcasts aroused consumption habits never seen before, however, it also caused the discontent of marketing agencies, who express their disagreement with the measurement USA Phone Number List tools of both companies. The head of the marketing agency, WPP , Martin Sorrell, pointed out that Google and Facebook have errors in their measurements, which can cause ad fraud, and contradicted Google’s claims that they had “allayed” the concerns of advertisers. , after Brands like Land Rover were accused of financing terrorism .

For the representatives of the marketing agencies, Google and Facebook “did not do enough” to limit the exposure of brands in ads where members of the Islamic State appeared, which may cause a rethink in programmatic advertising. Exposing those brands in terrorist ads exposed them to the public, which became a massive problem, upsetting marketing agencies like WNN, who accused Google and Facebook of not taking responsibility. In response, Google said that it will modify its algorithms to further protect brands from unnecessary exposure and questioning by the public opinion, in addition to combating malicious content and reengineering its staff that reviewed content areas.

For telecommunications specialists, the problem of brands financing terrorism and fake news will only be solved correctly Phone Number List if advertisers and agencies work together and put pressure on Google and Facebook. And is that Google and Facebook currently own 75 percent of digital advertising , so a bad strategy on their platforms and marketing would affect more than 50 percent of brands globally. For WPP, Facebook’s errors about the exaggeration of its videos (longer) and Fake News were seen by 80 percent of Internet users in the world , which “did not leave brands well,” however, he trusted that Nielsen, Comscore, and JicWebs better coordinate with Google and Facebook on data measurement.

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