Telomere length decreases with the number of cell divisions

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Telomere length decreases with the number of cell divisions

When a cell moves between tissues, Part of the liquid mass of its cytoplasm becomes rigid. This transformation depends on the orderly assembly and disassembly of the protein scaffolds of its cytoplasm. Among the first cells to pass through the slide of an optical microscope are protozoa. And yet that slide is essential for our survival. Without it, The wounds would not heal, The blood would not clot, And the immune system would not keep out infections. On the other side of the coin, Slippage contributes to the development of certain pathological processes, Such as destructive inflammation and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. Cancer cells creep and spread throughout the body. If cancer were a unique problem of uncontrolled Court & Convention Reporters business email list , Surgery could remove all tumors. The observation of cell slippage in tissues has led to attractive interpretations of the underlying mechanism.

which allows unlimited cell division and is absent in most normal tissues

Cancer cells mimic old movie glories, corroded from within and miraculously blessed with eternal vigor. a motley world of some 40,000 species. But only a restricted group of them is capable of causing great problems. The secret of that immortality. It appears to be due to a certain enzyme, absent in most normal tissues, That allows Telomere length decreases unlimited cell division. If one day we could block that protein, It would mean that we have come up with a new therapy that Sale Lead would leave patients unscathed. Immortality is the norm between tumor cells and single-celled organisms. If they have the right medium, They reproduce without rate. In contrast, Normal cells in the body have a limited life expectancy; After dividing a few dozen times, They end up stopping and dying. Many cell biologists attribute the cause of that fate to telomere erosion.

Transport between intracellular compartments

Eukaryotic cells have a set of compartments that are delimited by membranes. The life of the cell would be unthinkable without the correct functioning and in harmonious. Mutual relationship of these organelles. To fulfill this mission, each compartment has membrane and soluble proteins that are characteristic of it. Consider, lysosomes, Organelles that are responsible for the digestion of molecules and particles. That have entered the cell through a process Telomere length decreases of endocytosis or invagination; Two are the main forms of that relationship. In a first situation, the protozoa remain associated with the surface of the host cell, The compartments interact with each other and exchange membranes and content. It is therefore necessary for the cell to maintain the existence of fairly stable membranous structures. without closing the traffic of macromolecules between them.

Telomere length decreases with the number of cell divisions

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