20th Century Fox apologizes for using fake news to promote ‘Cure for Wellness’

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20th Century Fox apologizes for using fake news to promote ‘Cure for Wellness’

The timing is a crucial element when executing any marketing campaign, especially when you want to use some special seasons each year (Halloween, Christmas, February 14, etc.) or emerging trends according to the social context, political and cultural (such is the case of the XV years of Rubí). If properly executed, it can boost a brand to position it in the conversation of users and the media, but if the action is not correct, it can lead to a negative Spain Mobile Number Database impact. It seems that this happened to 20th Century Fox , which had to apologize for making use of ‘ fake news ‘ as part of its digital marketing strategy for the film ‘Cure for Wellness’ , which premiered last Friday in theaters in the United States. United.

This was due to the fact that the campaign consisted of creating a series of websites that appeared to be local media in various American cities, all of which published ‘ fake news ‘ related to politics and various personalities of music and entertainment, including Presidents Donald Trump. and Vladimir Putin , as well as singer Lady Gaga . The serious thing is that no publication on any site typified that it was false information. As reported by various media such as The Hollywood Reporter and the Los Angeles Times , a 20th Century Fox spokesperson issued a message expressing an apology for using this type of ‘deceptive’ actions within its digital marketing campaign. “In order to attract attention to our films, we do our best to push the limits of traditional ‘marketing’ to creatively express our message to consumers. In this case we did it wrong. The digital campaign was not appropriate at all levels, “said the statement quoted by the media.

“We have reviewed our internal approval process and have made the appropriate changes to ensure that the campaigns are approved and reviewed by the administration to avoid these errors in the future. We are very sorry, ”the document adds. The issue of ‘ fake news ‘ has gained relevance in recent months, largely due to the alleged role Phone Number List they played in the presidential elections in the United States, where some reports indicate that they had a significant impact on the intention of citizens to vote. from that country. This led to harsh criticism from companies such as Google and Facebook , for not having stricter controls to prevent the publication of false information. Even Apple CEO Tim Cook said during a visit to the United Kingdom that ‘fake news’ is “killing people’s minds”, because unfortunately there are people who spread false news “in order to get clicks, instead of tell the truth ”.

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