4 out of 10 adults forget their web passwords

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4 out of 10 adults forget their web passwords

Due to a slower pace of activities, adults tend to forget an average of three facts a day in their usual tasks, ranging from passwords , household chores or to-dos, according to research by the National Lottery. In today’s connected world, tasks have become digitized, so that Albania Phone Number List everything requires a password , from actions like accessing medical records, food orders, or paying taxes online, it can be daunting for adults to create a password. A report by the Pew Research Center pointed out that 39 percent of adults have problems remembering their password , while 60 percent do not have difficulties keeping up with their password, as they said they are “on the lookout” not to forget them.

According to the Pew Research Center , those who find it difficult to manage their passwords are more likely to not remember them than those who do not care about having more memory. Almost two-thirds of older adults in the United States alone have been victims of some data theft or digital fraud, which has generated distrust of them towards private or public institutions, when it is their fault that they do not constantly remember or modify their passwords .

The consultant gave an example that 41 percent of older adults use easy and less secure passwords because they are easier to remember, while 14 percent of them reported feeling comfortable using more Phone Number List complex passwords, while 36 percent assured use the same passwords on all your websites. Age influences people who have difficulty managing their passwords, since those with the same problems remembering are between 30 and 60 years old, while those who do not have difficulties are between 18 and 29 years old.

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