$ 460 billion worth of counterfeit merchandise is sold each year, with most of it traded online

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$ 460 billion worth of counterfeit merchandise is sold each year, with most of it traded online

The International Trademark Association revealed that the theft of intellectual property increases annually, since in 2016 alone counterfeit goods were traded for an amount of 460 billion dollars. According to the association, a large part of the sale of counterfeit merchandise was Belarus Mobile Number Database through the internet, with footwear, electronic products and glasses being the most commercialized products. Data from Red Points reveals that Aliexpress and Alibaba , in their international versions, are the portals that lead the trade in fake goods, in addition to six Chinese portals also selling illegally.

A surprising name on the list is Facebook, which, unlike the other sites mentioned, is not an e-commerce platform. But since shady retailers can list products there and complete a transaction by requesting an email or directing shoppers to a landing page, Facebook qualifies as a retail site, at least according to Red Points. However, Facebook spokespersons in Asia “disagreed with this logic,” but explained that searching for users who post “unsatisfactory” products among a user base of 60 million is “a complex problem” and one that is social network is heading. Meanwhile, the Red Points study also identified the most commonly counterfeit products. As it turns out, the most knocked-off item is not a designer handbag, but sneakers. “Bags are for women, but footwear is for everyone,” says the analysis, “it is an expensive item that attracts the entire population.”

Against this background, Alibaba declared war on counterfeit products sold on its platform, so since the end of January Phone Number List it has cooperated with brands such as Louis Vuitton, Samsung, Mars, among others, to exchange information on the original designs of the products. of those brands to try to stop piracy. $ 460 billion worth of counterfeit merchandise is sold each year, with most of it traded online. According to the Asian giant, it is about “combining resources and increasing cooperation.”

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