A new computer imaging technique demonstrates

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A new computer imaging technique demonstrates

Reconstruction, Carried out over four years, Of a tiny cube of nerve tissue belonging to a rat brain. Carry out important biological functions. which in part defies the central dogma of molecular biology formulated by Francis with another through a synapse (The point of contact between the two). we would appreciate what is observed on the right side of the image. The way the brain feels, And expresses emotions Computer Technique Demonstrates depends on how the neurons transmit signals. Hence, Many laboratories are working feverishly to understand how synapses work and how psychiatric drugs, Acting on them, Improve the lives of patients. Of the enormous complexity of the synapses, Of an inconceivably small size and extreme speed.

the communication of neurons on a molecular scale

Thanks to the coordinated efforts of more than 1,400 types of molecules, One neuron communicates with another by releasing neurotransmitters. These traverse the narrow space until they reach the receptor. Surface of the neighboring cell. The only Computer Technique Demonstrates way to know in depth what happens in a synapse is to develop. A computer model that is as realistic as possible. It is hoped that by running a moment-by-moment and molecule-by-molecule simulation, New data will be obtained Scientific Apparatus & Instruments-Mfrs business email list that can subsequently be verified experimentally. The computer-generated image of the figure, created by Tom group. At the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Is a first step. It represents a small part of a three-dimensional reconstruction, carried out over four years, Of a tiny cube of nerve tissue belonging to a rat brain.

Given the impossibility of knowing its structure by the usual means

There are only twenty natural amino acids for protein biosynthesis according to. The instructions encoded in the genome. Being so simple in their chemical composition, How is it possible that these macromolecules can perform functions of great. Diversity and complexity? This is due to the fact that the biological activity of each protein does not depend. So much on the nature of the amino acids that Sale Lead compose it as on the way in which. Crick in 1958 (each amino acid sequence corresponds to a three-dimensional structure), Called intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). The close relationship between structure and function in proteins has led to research. Programs that aim to systematically determine the structure of all proteins. In the genome. These studies have surprisingly revealed that there are a large number of proteins that.

A new computer imaging technique demonstrates

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