A protein pump that flushes toxins out of cells could be to blame for chemotherapy failure

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A protein pump that flushes toxins out of cells could be to blame for chemotherapy failure

Mrs. Garcia had complained to her doctor of abdominal pain with cramps. After a thorough examination, She was sent to a specialized cancer clinic; There she was diagnosed with an abdominal tumor and the proceedings. Were immediately undertaken to submit her to a surgical operation. Removal of the primary tumor was successful, but as is often the case, The cancer had already spread to other tissues. The patient underwent Protein Flushes Toxins chemotherapy treatment with a combination of anticancer drugs; This is the method used in the case of non-circumscribed tumors, Which cannot be treated either by surgery or with radiation; The answer was miraculous. By all available diagnostic methods, She was cured. Three months later, During a routine follow-up examination.

Awarded to Gertrude B. Elion, George H. Hitchings, and James W. Black.

Like all viruses, The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an intracellular parasite. By itself, The virus particle is inert: It cannot reproduce or cause any harm until it penetrates a host cell. How does the virus enter the cell? It depends on the answer that scientists know the clinical course of AIDS, The disease caused by the virus. Furthermore, The Computer Software business email list understanding of the mechanism of penetration of the virus into. The cell interior could facilitate the development of vaccines or protective medications, capable of blocking the action of HIV in an early stage of the same: Before the infection of the first host cells. In any viral infection, The first link consists of the attachment of the virus particle to a component of the host cell membrane. In the case of HIV,

HIV infection: cellular picture

The virus binds to the CD4 antigen. (The molecule that can be recognized by an antibody is called an antigen.) Thus, the distribution of CD4 reflects the tropism of HIV: The cell types and tissues that the virus infects and destroys. The CD4 antigen is found primarily on a certain type of immune system cell, Helper T cells (although it may exist on other cell Sale Lead types as well). HIV infection is characterized by the loss of these cells, Which ends up undermining the immune system. Mrs. Garcia was found to have had a recurrence: tumors had arisen in various organs. She was put through a second round of chemotherapy, But she responded very poorly. A month later, A third round of chemotherapy with different drugs did nothing: the tumors kept growing.

A protein pump that flushes toxins out of cells could be to blame for chemotherapy failure

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