Faced with leaks, Satoru Shibata makes an unboxing of the Nintendo Switch

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Faced with leaks, Satoru Shibata makes an unboxing of the Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch is a ‘hybrid’ console designed to allow users to have both a base (or home) and portable gaming experience, since it is modular, so it has a mode for mobile devices. Since the Big N presented it, it was officially presented to the world at the beginning of January , although it had been announced months ago, it has generated a lot of expectation, not only because of the experience and resolution of graphics that it promises, but because of the titles that accompany it. For this, Nintendo undertook an important Iran Phone Number List marketing campaign, mainly with digital marketing actions on the web and social networks, but it has made an effort to be very careful not to “reveal” too much. Despite this, it was not released from one or another spoiler, in fact, a few days ago we told you that a YouTube user was ahead of the Japanese company by sharing a video that shows details of the Nintendo Switch.

The video was shared by an anonymous user of the NeoGAF video game forum, from whom it is unknown how he had access to a console in advance, but it did show the unboxing and the first images of the operating system, including its menus and the process to create a Username. Given this, the Japanese company undertook the task of responding in some way. He did it from the voice of the president of Nintendo Europe himself, Mr. Satoru Shibata who also shared a video in which he shows more details of the contents of Phone Number List the box and how each device comes. Previously, from the official YouTube channel, a video was shared in which the Japanese company itself, through two spokespersons, made its own unboxing to show everything that the Nintendo Switch box contains. The video already has more than a million views.

The answer is accompanied by more marketing actions to maintain the expectation in Nintendo Switch, which will be launched to the western market on March 3 – price will be $ 299.99, although in the pre-sale in Mexico it was 9,999 pesos, somewhat more expensive – as the bet of the house of Mario Bros. to compete with PlayStation (Sony) that last year sold more than 13 million devices, while Xbox (Microsoft) little more than 6 million, according to figures from VGChartz.

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