It’s most likely that usa-business-fax-list you won’t find a cell phone number listed in any phone book unless the person recently had their landline phone number ported over to a mobile phone. The reason cell phone numbers are not listed publicly is because cellular phone numbers are considered private information and protected by privacy laws.

There are a few other things you can try to track down someone’s cell phone number but it’s not guaranteed you will find the person’s phone number you are looking for.
The first thing you can do is to use search engine such as Bing or Google and search the person’s name to see what comes up. Your search results may include personal profiles on social networking sites, resumes posted on job and employment sites, personal and family homepages, and info found on background check people search websites. You’d be surprised at the number of people who post their personal information online including unpublished phone numbers and mobile phones.
It’s actually way easier to find out where someone lives and get their home address online if you know the person’s name. It is not that easy to find a person’s mobile phone number by name unless you have access to a background check or data enhancement site. And unless you are a huge marketing company or a private detective, it’s most likely you won’t be able to get access.
There are a few consumer and small business background check and public records search sites but most of them only provide reverse phone lookups because public cell phone directories are actually illegal. The only cellular phone directory that is public relies on everyone to opt-in and submit their own cell phone number. This is actually a failure in reality because most people dare to just hand out their name and number to some strange website.