Heat shock proteins have long been known to protect us from stress

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Heat shock proteins have long been known to protect us from stress

At the Pavia Institute of Genetics, someone raised the temperature of an incubator containing fruit flies. By examining the cells of the flies subjected to the “heat shock”, They found that the chromosomes had widened in certain regions. Either circulating through their blood or joining various tissues. When the cells of one person intermingle in the body of another, we speak of On to give rise to the proteins they encoded. These active regions became Proteins Known Protect known as heat shock. At first it was believed that it occurred only in the fruit fly. It took another 15 years for the proteins that originated after the appearance of these chromosomal. Expansions to be detected in mammals and other organisms. In what has become one of the most fascinating stories in contemporary biology.

Biological function of chaperones

This phenomenon currently focuses the interest of medical research. It works, it seems, A ubiquitous process that intervenes in a wide range of normal and pathological states. This was the case with the role of nitric oxide in the circulatory system, A Nobel Prize-winning finding that has contributed to the development of multiple drugs, Computer Peripheral Equipment business email list Responds to a simple scheme. like a double-edged sword, contributing to health and disease. A deeper understanding of the activity of the transferred cells would allow us to take advantage of the beneficial effects of these stowaways and, at the same time. Organelles. The functioning of the cytoplasm is so complex (we could equate it to that of a computer operating system).

What function do they fulfill?

Am a crowd,” Reads a line from Walt Whitman’s poem Song of Myself. Although it was not the intention of the author, The verse has biological reminiscences. Research suggests that each of us possesses, In addition to the billions of cells that descend from the fertilized ovum. That we once were, A set of cells from other genetically different individuals. In the uterus Proteins Known Protect we receive a batch of Sale Lead cells from the mother. Pregnant women collect a sample of cells from the developing embryo. That these cells cross the placenta is not surprising. After all, The fabric that connects mother and child is not an impenetrable wall. Rather, It is a selective border that allows the passage of substances necessary for fetal development.

Heat shock proteins have long been known to protect us from stress

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