Is the end of microtargeting looming in online advertising in Europe?

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Is the end of microtargeting looming in online advertising in Europe?

Is highly targeted advertising set to disappear from the internet in Europe? European data protection regulations have made it more difficult for companies to collect according to what data and use information from third parties. And indeed, it may be even more difficult for them to do so in the immediate future: according to the conclusions of a Belgian investigation, but with potential effects for the whole of Europe, Google and the programmatic advertising giants would be violating the GDPR by using data that they collect as basic to later segment advertising with them. Beyond what happens with data collection and regulations in terms of advertising, the European Senegal Mobile Database Union has focused its attention on behavioral ads , advertising that follows consumer behavior and uses their previous patterns as a brand. to make decisions about which ads to show, to whom and when. Basically, you could say that Europe is now focusing on microtargeting. For now, the EU has not legislated this issue, although it has already burned one of the key steps to start doing so. The European Parliament has just supported the request of its committee on legal affairs to ask for a legislative initiative to regulate this type of advertisement. The approval of this petition places it in the hands of the European Commission, which is the one that designs the community laws. Senegal Mobile Database

Although the process that would culminate with a potential approved law still has several steps left, the simple implementation of the mechanism should function as a wake-up call for marketers and for the companies responsible for offering these advertising services. It makes it clear that  Brother Cell Phone List
Europe is focusing on this issue and also that, if other open fronts are added, programmatic advertising and the market giants have complex years ahead in the EU. What is Europe marking? Parliament’s petition calls for clearer regulation limiting microtargeting. Seeks to make advertising less intrusive and less annoying (which would further enhance contextual advertising and reduce formats such as retargeting). Other changes handled by Europe Although this is the element that could most visibly change the landscape of digital advertising, it is not the only element that they are working on in Europe and that could force online companies to change part of how they operate.

Thus, for example, a petition has also been approved to create a system that allows Internet users to notify online intermediaries of the presence of illegal content or activities on the network. Similarly, parliamentarians supported a call for digital platforms to improve the transparency of how they handle hateful, harmful and misinformation content. In ecommerce, it seeks to increase measures to fight against the sale of illegal and unsafe products on the network, but also to create rules that help prevent dominant players from limiting the market and new players from entering. The European Commission is working on the Digital Service Act, which it plans to introduce next month and which will possibly incorporate many of these points. The end of the year could come, therefore, with potential changes for the giants of the network and the usual practices in marketing and digital advertising.


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