Repetitive and poorly segmented: The burden of the emerging video streaming advertising

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Repetitive and poorly segmented: The burden of the emerging video streaming advertising

Unlike what happens with other streaming platforms established in Spain, Movistar’s does have ads. Content with advertising is accessed on demand when you are a customer via some of the Fusion packs, but also when content is viewed using its Lite service. Before starting with the broadcast of the chapter you want to see (which is especially annoying when you are doing a marathon of a series with chapters below Thailand Mobile Database half an hour), they serve an advertisement. And if you are doing a marathon, you will likely see the same ads repeatedly. In my last viewing experience, it has been an advertisement for a private health insurance on which I would like to click on one of those tools of the advertisements on the internet that allow you to indicate “I am not interested” and another for food that I am have chased you to boredom. The advertisement for El Restaurante IbĂ©rico took a while to unravel, because in the end I wasn’t really paying much attention to it. Thailand Mobile Database

Although these are the two ads that haunt me right now, including one for a customizable car that is so unremarkable that I can’t remember which brand it is associated with, no matter how much they have already served me several times, in the streaming viewing experience of This service (paid, but with advertising) I have come across other insistent advertisements that have been repeated ad nauseam. As I watched them, month after month, I wondered if maybe they couldn’t profile me Brother Cell Phone List better and also if they couldn’t include more variety (especially considering that they know that this ad has served me not so long ago). The experience is not unique to me and it is not unique to this streaming operator. The problem is, in fact, much more global. Even though on-demand content consumption figures have skyrocketed and advertisers are even more interested than before, streaming advertising is still repetitive and not a big deal.

As they point out in an analysis by The Wall Street Journal , which has started from the US market to analyze the situation, the ads remain in a kind of eternal repetition. Although more and more people are watching series and movies via streaming, for the industry, they point out in the Journal , it is still very difficult to know what who sees and how many times the same ad is served to the same person. And of course this not only annoys the viewer, it has also become a problem for advertisers. Why is this happening? In the case analyzed by the Journal , the problem lies in the fragmentation of the market. There are several streaming players with advertising, multiple connected television operating systems and different apps in which to access these contents. All this means that advertisers are forced to buy advertising space from multiple sellers and channels, without being able to connect all that data under one umbrella.

And not only that: even if they buy advertising inventory from several sellers, the advertising space is the same. That is, you may have purchased ad space from two different streaming advertising vendors and your ads end up in the same content app. This highly fragmented market is making it very difficult to limit consumer exposure to an ad, no matter how much some industry players insist on offering tools to limit the frequency of ads and no matter how much others defend how they profile audiences and market segments. Advertisers report, as one of them does in the Journal article , that you end up seeing the same ad “over and over again.” Advertisers also fear that as viewers increase, so will the ads and, with it, the repetition of the same campaigns.

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