The rise of podcasts is increasing the bet on sound ads among advertisers and brands. Guess why?

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The rise of podcasts is increasing the bet on sound ads among advertisers and brands. Guess why?

In the boom of everything audiovisual, sound had been somewhat eclipsed as a content channel and as an advertising scenario. Radio may have been the flagship medium for part of the 20th century, but television managed to eclipse it for the rest of the century. The technology of the 21st century has brought the streaming boom, the appearance of new communication channels, the omnipresence of mobile phones and the eclipse of television. Surprisingly, it has also brought a revival of sound. Of course, this does not mean that the radio of a lifetime is returning and that the content and advertising format that was associated Tunisia Mobile Database with it is recovering. The situation is different, but – as happened with the launch of formats such as the online video ad – the old advertising techniques are experiencing a revival as inspiration for the new ones. In recent years, podcasts have seen a boom and boom time. The fact that the major players in the market have begun to enter the war for the podcast market makes it very clear how that market has evolved and what you can expect from it. The big companies are investing in recruiting talent and creating a content fork because they have seen growth in their advertising potential. Tunisia Mobile Database

If in recent years the supply of content had grown significantly and so had listeners, the last few months have provided a new boost for this market. The months of confinement and reduced mobility to limit the impact of the coronavirus and contagion have increased listeners to podcasts , thus Brother Cell Phone List increasing their business potential. But the crisis has not only increased podcast listeners, but also increased the use of other sound devices. The intelligent speakers have become one of the products to the rise in the tech market.

The big brands are launching their own devices (and there is already a market war between the giants, such as Amazon or Google, to gain the widest possible quota) but they have also begun to mark the agenda in search, opening new needs for the brands and their SEO strategy, and, of course, how they advertise . During the months of confinement, as they recall in AdWeek , the use of smart speakers has been on the rise and with it has put a new ad format in a prominent way, the ad designed for that space and for that environment. These types of advertisements are inspired by traditional radio advertising, although changed for the times, and, according to the American media, they are having a good reception among listeners. Are these new digital sound ads one of the rising formats for the future of online advertising? In general, sound ads on the internet are very annoying. They are one of those advertising formats that Internet users find irritating. However, when what is being accessed is sound content, they fit the format and what is being done and are not viewed in a negative way.


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