Spacial tourism. Elon Musk reveals he will send two people around the Moon

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Spacial tourism. Elon Musk reveals he will send two people around the Moon

The possibility of space travel has been a dream that humanity has tried to realize and that has been in the imagination for centuries, this has motivated from fictional literary works such as those of Jules Verne, through comics and superheroes, or film productions . Finally humanity managed India Phone Number List to leave the planet and reach the Moon, thanks to the space race between the United States and Russia (then USSR) and currently several countries can participate in missions that go to the International Space Station. But, returning to the natural satellite of the earth – in debate whether it is a planet or not – remains a goal for humanity. Now, SpaceX will go back to doing something that has characterized it that Elon Musk founded it in 2002: marketing the work it does .

This Monday the aerospace company reported that it plans to take two people into space in 2018, aboard a spacecraft it is developing for NASA and the Falcon Heavy rocket , which will make its first test flight next summer. Musk himself confirmed that, for the moment, it is about two citizens – from the private sector and anonymous – who have hired them to carry out the first SpaceX space tour . In a message to the media, he points out that they are “excited to announce that we have been contacted by two private citizens to make a trip around the Moon at the end of next year.” The businessman is one of the main drivers of the conquest of space, he believes that a world in balance with the existence of tunnels with futuristic transport, electric cars, artificial intelligence, and the arrival of man on Mars, is possible.

Musk used, as is usual for him, social networks to share the ad, in fact he promoted it on Twitter in order for users to be aware of what SpaceX confirmed this day. Their engagement is evident, the ‘ad’ had more than 6.5 thousand retweets, 25 thousand Likes and conversation with more than a thousand people. While the ‘official announcement’ soared to 15 thousand Phone Number List retweets, 24 thousand Likes and interaction with more than 1,300 users. For months we have addressed issues related to space, where we discussed how missions and team development for it have become marketing strategies for related brands. From NASA, which last week became a world Trending Topic by convening a conference in which it announced that it found planets that could have water and favorable conditions to host life as we know it. Going through their campaigns to involve ‘common’ people in the work of the space agency.

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