The 8 reasons for an optimistic Spanish digital market diagnosis

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The 8 reasons for an optimistic Spanish digital market diagnosis

The year we have left behind is unprecedented and the pandemic has shocked our world. The way we interacted, communicated, and worked has been completely transformed. The little things that we took for granted, such as a face-to-face meeting, a hug, or a chat with friends over coffee, have become impractical both to protect ourselves and the people we love. In all this, technology has been a great ally. It has given us tools Luxembourg Mobile Database to share, communicate and work from anywhere in the world. This has led to an increase in the time spent on the Internet, a greater use of mobile devices, as well as the time spent on social networks. Along with this, today the consumer is increasingly concerned about the value that a brand can bring to society and the environment that surrounds it. And this has become the main factor that determines the corporate strategies of companies. The result of all these new consumer trends and changing patterns has been a boost in innovation by brands. Aware of the situation, the media and marketing specialists must take this new context into account in their digital strategies, focus on quality and efficiency, as well as work with technology companies that make transparency and innovation their strengths. Luxembourg Mobile Database

But what are the digital market trends that instill optimism in media and marketers that they should consider in 2021 to successfully develop their advertising strategies? The relevance of the context in which the ads are inserted will continue to be a very important element in 2021. Since it allows to guarantee a personalized and high-quality positioning in Brother Cell Phone List the digital investment in media according to the values ​​of each brand. The depreciation of third-party cookies remains an imminent challenge and marketers need to start working on perfecting new technologies if they want to continue to get the most out of their campaign targeting. On the other hand, a potential result of removing third-party cookies could be that marketers turn their attention to insights based on campaign performance, such as contextual targeting.

In line with the above, I want to highlight a very relevant fact. And it is that almost three quarters of consumers (70%) are more likely to remember an ad when it appears next to content whose context is relevant. This year will see advertisers use contextual targeting on a large scale and with a greater focus on brand suitability. This requires a sophisticated technology capable of analyzing in an atomized and detailed way the content of a web page, as well as its tone and the emotions that emanate from it to determine the most appropriate context for a certain brand. Unlike cookies, contextual analysis considers the content of a page, making it completely safe for a world without third-party cookies. Contextual targeting is a very effective alternative for both advertisers and media. Since the former will be able to increase the efficiency and ROI of their investments in digital. And the latter have the opportunity to monetize their websites with premium inventory in a world without cookie data.

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