The basis of your digital marketing strategy

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The basis of your digital marketing strategy

When you define the space you want to occupy and why you will build a digital marketing strategy, the pillars will help you sustain and develop it. These will be the starting point to execute an organized and stable plan that allows you to achieve your goals. There are four pillars: Fundamentals This pillar may have variations over time, but these must be due to the update of the market or the evolution of your business. In any case, they will mark the route of the rest of the plan. It responds to the “For whom” and “Against whom” of the strategy and consists of This happens in businesses that need to attract supply and demand. Your focus should be on the people who will want and buy your products or who will recommend your services. You may believe that you know him today,

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Competition: know your competitor and what he does. Even, you should not only know how many are around you but how many are not locally, but serve your market: In addition, Keeps us connected to a screen and we jump very easily from one content or space to another, Even without selling your same products, fight for the attention of the same people Miscellaneous Personal Services Nec business email list you want to reach. Context: it is the most complex point because there are many rules that do not yet exist and others that lack logic. It involves the regulatory environment, What can and cannot be done, depends on the laws of each country. Each platform has different parameters that you will also need to know. The use and handling of personal data, for example, is a whole world in which you must enter.

Products and services

They are the centerpieces with which you bring your strategy to life. If it were a car made of Lego pieces, It would be the wheels, the rudder and the motor, that is, what is essential for it to be a vehicle. They respond to the “With what” of the digital marketing strategy. Number 1Products and services: depending on the definition you made at the beginning, Sale Lead Or you will be able to sell them directly through digital. Number 2Digital assets: these are the spaces you have such as mobile applications, Public or transactional websites, social networks, podcasts, streaming channels, among others. They are the own channels through which you can express yourself, connect with your audiences and generate sales or even consumption of your products.

The basis of your digital marketing strategy

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