The future of digital advertising as we know it will go through greater privacy in Europe

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The future of digital advertising as we know it will go through greater privacy in Europe


The regulatory changes that the European Union has implemented in recent years have made things more difficult for targeted advertising on the internet. Until now, the great success of these types of ads was in the fact that they used large amounts of information about consumer behavior patterns to offer them the ads that best suited their interests. The ads followed online browsing, crossed it with various data Malta Mobile Database sources, and very efficiently matched messages to consumer profiles. However, changes in privacy regulations began to make that more complicated. European data protection law limits what companies can do with information. Consumers must give their consent to receive messages from brands and they also have to ask for permission to collect information. That has put cookies, for example, under threat, but it has also limited how and how much the information can be used.

But the truth is that the limits on what can be done in online advertising are not going to stop there: it seems unlikely. The European Union is working on two regulatory packages that will affect what happens on the internet and what big technology companies can do . This can mean changes in areas such as payment for copyrights and what is considered subject to those rights, but also have effects in areas such as digital advertising and what brands do with them. For the giants of the network, personalizing as much as possible and segmenting everything possible could be destined to disappear. Malta Mobile Database

The idea is not exactly new: a few months ago, it became known that the European Union was analyzing behavioral ads , to determine what impact they have. The European Parliament supported a petition in its legal affairs Brother Cell Phone List committee to ask for the regularization of these types of advertisements. What they wanted was for the rule to be much clearer and to limit what advertising can do with microtargeting. That is, they want it to be less obtrusive and less intrusive. Now, the European Data Protection Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiorówski, has called for a ban on targeted ads based on monitoring consumer habits. It is the answer to the consultation of the parliamentarians of the Union and, as they point out in TechCrunch , it can become one of the starting points for one of the most important changes in European regulations in the digital field.

As they point out in the technological environment, the recommendation is a placeholder. That is, it is to position itself clearly and hard against the weight of the big tech lobbyists and their fight against the new regulations. The final rule may not be that harsh, but the supervisor’s conclusion serves to create context. The supervisor asks that the measures go beyond demanding transparency. “Those measures should include a phasing out leading to a ban on targeted advertising based on pervasive tracking, as well as restrictions on the categories of data that can be used for targeting purposes and the categories of data that they can be communicated to advertisers or third parties to allow or facilitate targeted advertising “, the supervisor points out in its conclusions.

To this must be added that the EU member states themselves have just shortened “a negotiation mandate for the revision of the regulations on the protection of privacy and confidentiality in the use of electronic communications services”, which will address privacy online in general and that will also have an effect on online advertising. The Portuguese presidency will now begin to negotiate with the European Parliament on what the new rule will look like, which will apply to all online services when their end users are in the European Union. All data will be confidential. The list will include information such as some metadata such as the location or time of the user, which they consider “may be as sensitive as the content.”

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