This is how the fake news business works

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This is how the fake news business works

The fake news business is not practiced by many media, however, the few digital media or portals that are dedicated to exploiting it have seen an opportunity to exploit their marketing strategies, because more than offering news that is a lie, they are sites of entertainment highly Uganda Phone Numbers visited by netizens, as fake news ranges from implausible to hilarious, always exploiting a sense of humor . An investigation carried out by the AP news agency revealed that the average visit to these portals added up to 685 thousand visits or clicks, that is, the profits amounted to four digits, as if writing lies generated more profits than the portals that give the news.

The director of new business for the portal El Deforma , revealed in an interview with High Level that the famous Mexican site began as an “invention of a group of friends who were bored” and after adhering to an editorial called Now New Media they were able to reach more netizens. He specified that his earnings vary, depending on the number of daily visits. The Mexican site has more than 2 million followers, more than 350 thousand on twitter, and more than 8 million unique users per month.

Another analysis by the Pew Center highlights that in the United States , the average fake news portals produce a profit of $ 10,000. In addition, it was revealed that the official media, those who do not write fake news have at some point taken fake news to include it in their editorial policies. Research indicates that at least 40 percent of publishers in the United States have made this kind of mistake. In addition, at least 30 percent of editorial chiefs admitted Phone Number List at some point to having reported false news in an official gazette by accident. Another well-known fake news portal in the United States, The Onion , acquired so much fame that at the beginning of 2016, the Univision network acquired 40 percent of the control of the digital medium. However, the amount of the transaction was not disclosed.

The case of The Onion exemplifies what is a good strategy for sales, space, advertising, branded content , of which it promotes products through its hilarious sense of humor. Among the marketing strategies of these sites is to create fresh content with a sense of humor to attract young millennials, which is why Univision acquired such a high share of The Onion. The Onion has had several locations, Wisconsin, New York and later Chicago, as its creators robbed the Big Apple in 2001, during the Late Nights boom , that is, The Onion pursues creativity and a sense of humor.

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