TV Ads Jump into Video Games: Brands Seek Younger Consumers

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TV Ads Jump into Video Games: Brands Seek Younger Consumers

The television crisis has made things difficult not only for the networks – which mainly live on advertising revenue – but also for advertisers. Television had been a means of direct contact with the public and it also managed Venezuela Mobile Database to be so in a transversal way. That is, except for very specific minorities, everyone ended up watching television and, although the model of a few decades ago of sitting the whole family in front of the screen no longer worked in recent years, there were programs that reached all niches of public. The boom in the Internet and access to content through other platforms has had a direct impact on how television is viewed and, above all, who watches it. Venezuela Phone Number List

Although televisions are experiencing a generalized audience crisis and have lost minutes of viewing on a massive scale in recent years (with the exception of the weeks of confinement, in which television consumption in confined European countries was gradually increasing), the situation is not the same for all demographic groups. Television is losing, above all, younger consumers. Both millennials and members of Generation Z have been changing their content consumption habits. They watch television much less and access, above all, this type Brother Cell Phone List of content via other platforms and services. This is a serious problem for advertisers, for whom reaching younger consumers is always one of their great challenges and one of the elements that define their marketing and advertising strategies. And if those consumers don’t watch TV, what can you do with the ads? Advertisers have been testing different ways of connecting with these viewers to launch their brand messages at them and video games are establishing themselves as one of the elements on the rise.

Esports have become a kind of El Dorado again, true, but that is not the only tool that advertisers are willing to use as a lever to connect with that market niche. Right now, they are trying to put TV advertising directly into video games. Testing of the format has already started in the United States, although advertisers themselves know that these types of ads can arouse a powerful sense of rejection among gamers. In general, as they recall in The Wall Street Journal , the medium that has analyzed the new advertising format, gamers are very reluctant to anything that hinders the gaming experience.


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