Video, the talismanic format of digital campaigns, has to be revised and improved to get the most out of it and profitability

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Video, the talismanic format of digital campaigns, has to be revised and improved to get the most out of it and profitability

The premise is clear. But, how do you ensure that video campaigns arrive properly in a digital environment as fragmented as the current one? Because, on the one hand, today we can enjoy audiovisual content from our smartphone , tablet, laptop, social networks, television and through multiple streaming content platforms . And on the other, because today’s digital video ad strategy is subject to fewer Nigeria Mobile Database time slots and GRPs than before. All this means that in the new ecosystem, brands are required to adapt so that their video campaigns are effective. How to do it? The rule of thumb is to consider the most attractive way to reach users based on the device they are on and the multiple video consumption channels they use. And along with this there are another series of key elements to take into account. The first is the content itself; the video itself, the sport, which must be the backbone of the campaigns that use this format. And this is something that favors the current environment, since users see the content they want, on demand and on demand, through different devices and are very familiar with video. Nigeria Mobile Database

In addition, brands have to develop content with agile productions that allow them to reach all types of media so as not to restrict the opportunities to impact the audience. Therefore, it is highly advisable for them to have the creative team from the beginning of the planning process. Because the best results are achieved when creativity is involved in the initial strategic decisions. But along with the own content that brands develop to reach consumers, it is crucial for advertisers to know their behavior with respect to media consumption. And never like now must they be alert to the audiovisual content that comes to light, which is increasing and of great quality. Especially those offered by the many streaming platforms .

In line with the above, and due to the absence of comprehensive planning tools, it is capital for advertisers to determine their target audience and channel. Because budget allocation begins by allocating it where the audience Brother Cell Phone List reach can be maximized. This will mean that, for example, for many brands, especially the large ones, cable television will remain the basis of their plan and that digital television will supplement spending by reaching audiences that consume less traditional television. Something that will not happen, however, for smaller advertisers or those targeting a younger audience, because digital television, based on social media and mobile devices, is the right environment to focus on. video campaigns in your media plan.

Along with this, brands also have to firmly establish the pillar of having a technology powerful enough to simplify the execution of campaigns to the maximum. And that is also capable of using the appropriate formats and channels, promotes operability and has an independent measurement. However, as there is still no technology that brings together all these parameters, for the moment they will have to take advantage of the virtualities offered by the existing ones. And also related to technology, is innovation in measuring campaign results. In such a way that brands can measure the complete delivery of video campaigns, both on cable television, connected TV or digital.


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