Key successes when calculating promotional marketing strategies and actions

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Key successes when calculating promotional marketing strategies and actions

Every promotion has an objective, which is not necessarily the financial profitability, however, if the financial cost is not calculated well with the objective of the promotion, the concept can get out of hand and trigger unwanted events for the health of the brand and consumer perceptions. The Cameroon Mobile Database recent case of Samsung is a clear example of how underestimating the redemption (or number of participants) of a prize by the creators of a promotion, can lead to chaos, if it turns out that many consumers want that prize. Obviously the more recognized the brand, the more annoyances or joys the development of the promotion will cause, since the consumer who participates? Acquires a promise ?, acquires a coupon to aspire to something from his favorite brand. Cameroon Mobile Database

As time went by, the consumer became more skeptical about participating in promotions. Depending on gender, age, social status, etc. You can be analytical, impulsive, or indifferent in your decisions to participate in promotions. That is why you must study it well and know who you are targeting. The type of prize, the perceived value, the exchange mechanism, the waiting time, among many others, are determining factors for the target to participate in the promotion. Many variables Brother Cell Phone List that become a difficult puzzle to put together. Additionally, you must add the objective variables that the company wants to achieve. For example: one of the most used objectives is to increase sales volume, another may be to improve brand recognition indicators, some brands may use promotion to publicize a new brand, sub-brand or differentiating packaging, etc. If the creator of the promotion cannot correctly calculate the balance point between the proposed objective and the prize that the consumer wants to obtain, then something will end badly. Investigate the target. It makes no sense to launch a promotion from the office arguing with some colleagues. The minimum that should be done is to conduct a survey with a representative sample to determine if the prize and the mechanics will be accepted by the target you intend to direct it.
Clarify in detail the objective that the organization wishes to achieve with said promotion . Return on investment times or metric objectives to move with the activity. And the most important is the scope of it, since there is no way to reach the amount of consumers that you always want, for this reason you have to prioritize and shoot the bullets with the objective criteria and not pretend to shoot everywhere. It is better to do something small that a group of consumers is ecstatic than that many denigrate the promotion and have a bad taste in their mouths.

Calculate in detail all the implicit costs . Advertising, BTL activities, purchase of inputs, incentive payments, taxes, etc. That allow the necessary scales to be adjusted to size and implement the promotion. Select in detail which is the ideal medium to communicate the promotion . Don’t be tempted to use a 360 communication plan for any promotion. Some promotional products and in certain targets can be communicated in much cheaper ways than in expensive means and thus channel those valuable resources for greater purchase of prizes to be delivered and mass the activity or to guarantee a better brand experience that leaves consumers ecstatic. .

Communicate very clearly the limitations and scope to the consumer to avoid feeling used or cheated. At present, unfair consumer practices have? Very short wings? and the repercussions for the brand will be seen in the short term. Create an experience with the brand , either during participation in the promotion or at the time of redemption of the prize. Nowadays, if the consumer does not feel “pampered”, who achieves an energizing and pleasant experience, it is difficult to participate in a promotion. Measure the promotion during its development to adjust the necessary details and not let it evolve without control since unexpected surprises can come. This includes collecting first-hand the actual consumer experience with that particular promotion.

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